- On 08/14/2022
- In curiosity
- Tags: Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, st.peter, Vatican Museums, Vatican Tickets
Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Ceiling: Beginner’s Luck?
Arguably one of the most famous catholic art pieces of all time, the Sistine Chapel is known as Michelangelo’s masterpiece, but it was in fact his first time painting a fresco. In 1508 while working on Pope Julius II’s marble tomb, he was asked to change and finish the ceiling of the Chapel. Michelangelo hesitated, the 33-year-old largely considered himself a sculptor, and had no experience in fresco painting. Eventually, he was persuaded and commissioned to do the piece and spent the next four years creating the world-famous fresco.
Michelangelo painted nine pictures on the ceiling depicting God’s creation of the world, God’s relationship with Mankind, and Mankind’s fall from God’s Grace. But the most famous is his depiction of God and Mankind, both stretching their fingers towards one another.
Although it was eventually finished, Michelangelo did not enjoy the experience. He wrote a poem after he had finished, discussing his misery. Finally finishing the poetry with “I am not in the right place – I am not a painter.” Even though it seems his experience was less than enjoyable, we can all unanimously agree that his hard work paid off! His artwork is viewed by an average of 25 000 people a day and has withstood the 500-year test of time, only requiring a touch-up in the 1980s.
It is truly a once-in-a-lifetime artwork that has inspired and shocked millions. Michelangelo was one of the most talented artists alive, which is clearly visible within his fresco painting, and even if it was beginner’s luck that created the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling, what luck he had!